To enable your supporters to contact their elected officials with a message in support or opposition to a particular issue, you will need to create an advocacy campaign.
This article serves as an overview of the campaign creation process with links to pertinent articles for each step.
You will want to begin by familiarizing yourself with the users' view of an advocacy campaign. You can visit a sample advocacy campaign on our Demo site to accomplish this.
There are 6 steps in the campaign creation process.
- Options: Set the back-end options.
- Alert: Write your message to your supporters.
- Targets: Select who you want your supporters to contact.
- Find more information here on complex targeting scenarios, creating custom targets, and adding comment forms as targets.
- Sample Message: Craft an example of a message you want your supporters to send to the targets.
- Find more information here on Twitter and phone call campaigns.
- Confirmation: Set the options for the confirmation page and email your supporters see after they take action on the campaign.
- Promote: Tell your supporters about the campaign.
After the advocacy campaign is created, there are additional steps you will want to take to make your campaign known to your supporters.
- You may want to update your contact list if that hasn't happened recently. If you run into trouble, this article will help you troubleshoot.
- Send a call to action broadcast to tell your supporters about the campaign.
- After a few days, send a reminder broadcast to just the supporters who have not yet taken action on the campaign.
- Check the Advocacy Report to view campaign activity.
Feel free to email or call 888-592-8633 with questions. Our office hours are 9:00-6:00 Eastern, Monday - Friday.
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